Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 1, the Draft: Limo 5 Prospect Report

As many of you know, last season, I derived a complicated, highly nuanced and foolproof equation using my many years of study of discrete calculus, quantum physics, and string theory (also my limited understanding of the meaning of the words "complicated," "nuanced," and "foolproof"). For those of you not familiar, you can revisit my genius here, but as I've never been one to rest on my laurels (on an unrelated note - does anyone know where I can get some laurels?) and as the rules of the Bachelorette clearly aren't always the same as those that govern the Bachelor, I have developed a metric to help you evaluate these year's batch of hopeful prospects.

Below, I give you the Staying Power (SP) rating for each of the women based on their performance in episode 1. I would definitely use this metric to guide your draft (or almost anything else).  For more detail on the hours of careful thought (read: metro ride) that went into Staying Power  (SP = a*P(D+B) * (-0.25C+ 2C)), see my earlier post.

Lauren H. – SP: 0
Attraction (a): 2
Lauren H. was actually in the last limo, but I think I must have blocked her out of my brain because Lauren H. makes me sad. I’m guessing every fourth season of the franchise, there’s a contestant who I legitimately just feel really bad for (because, much like Leap Year, my emotions are cyclical and have something to do with our rotation around the sun), and this year Lauren H. is definitely that girl.

Background (B): 5

Domesticatability (D): 5
Though I’m not sure “the man who dumped me had a kid” is the necessarily the most ringing endorsement.

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 0

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 10
But only in the way that most of us have been temporarily a bit crazy after a particularly brutal breakup. Constantly and uncontrollable talking about your ex, impromptu crying jags, and general questioning of your self-worth are never attractive qualities when trying to sell yourself to a potential mate. But seriously, we’ve all been there. We just opted not to air our crazy on reality TV.

Lacy – SP: 0

Attraction (a): 2
As I may have mentioned earlier, opening bits tend to work better if you don’t seem like you’re reciting the words cut out for you from magazine letters by some Mafioso after her took your favorite hermit crab (“Please! I’ll do anything!  He doesn’t have his larger shell!”). I get being nervous, but history tells us “I’m really nervous” is a 93.7% more effective opening line than stammering “Take two and think of me,” while assaulting your quarry with a massive pill bottle.

Background (B): 10
Sadly, we actually knew more about Lacy than the pharmacy she frequents (though, that was oddly specific – oh my goodness, you guys!  It’s all coming together!  The pharmaceutical company must be holding poor Rangoon hostage after Lacy discovered some compromising information at her nursing home). She seemed like a legitimately nice person who has probably drawn considerable, truly admirable strength from her life and experiences which…you know what, it’s probably better that she just went home.

Domesticatability (D): 10

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 0

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 0
Not crazy, but desperate. Now that she’s off the show, she’s going to have to go with a Liam Neeson style rescue and revenge plot to retrieve her beloved crab. I both wish her the best of luck and look forward to the straight-to-DVD release of the movie version of her harrowing tale.

Alexis – SP: 0

Attraction (a): 6
 Alexis earned a “She’s cute too” before pretty much disappearing into the ether. Unless of course…

Background (B): 10
Alexis is actually Lacy’s handler, sent from the pharmaceutical company to make sure she tows the line. Alexis’ bio says she’s a “communications director,” but I think we all know what that means.  As a trained assassin, Alexis felt this job was beneath her which is why, when Juan Pablo approached her she disgruntledly hissed, “Shh. I’m watching my mark,” instead of commenting on how she was so glad it was him this season as she had been instructed.

Domesticatability (D): 10
Ironically, Alexis has a soft spot for family and children. Alexis grew up among the kind but strict nuns of the Franciscan order after watching her own family get gunned down by a shadowy figure wearing a man bolero (clearly a very fashion-forward thug) and spent hours in the cloisters watching the movie Annie. This also explains why she has a soft spot for Yul Brenner.

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 0

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 10
She once killed a man with a raised eyebrow and a tube of Black Honey Lipstick by Clinique, but I’d probably recommend against calling her crazy to her face.

Kylie – SP: 0

Attraction (a): 0
Probably the less said about Kylie, the better. I’m pretty sure that more or less everyone who goes on the Bachelor secretly envisions themselves winning the whole thing or becoming the next Bachelorette. Or barring that, at the very least enjoying some off season jet setting, heavy petting, and all the free booze they can drink. People steel themselves for hurt feelings, but I would venture to guess that no one really thinks they’re going home on night one. If they did, they wouldn’t go on the show. Kylie didn’t win Juan Pablo’s heart, but it’s possible that her cautionary tale changed the game forever.  

Background (B): 1
We got very little, but apparently it included all kinds of “picturing her life with Juan Pablo.”  Perhaps her embarrassment should serve as a warning for all of us previously unaware of the darker side of what comes from reading The Secret.

Domesticatability (D): 5 

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 0

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 1

Sharleen – SP: 640

Attraction (a): 10
Oh, Sharleen. I can tell already you’re going to break my heart. Look, there’s nothing I love more than a Bachelor contestant who takes themselves out of the running. I get that the majority of people who go on the Bachelor aren’t really looking for love and it’s more about the paid vacation and the potential of someday getting a book deal based on little more than your ability to quote Winnie the Pooh, but it seems like, out of every 25 people who subject themselves to this bizarre fishbowl environment each season, at least one should reach a point where they realize they need to leave immediately lest they are forced to spend even a moment more looking at the Bachelor’s stupid face. This is why I loved Brooks and the crazy vampire girl from Brad’s season who both bowed out of the running on their own terms (On a related note, I am pretty psyched that we don’t have to suffer through Juan Pablo talking about how he was so broken up about Des as he looks wistfully into the sunset). Unfortunately, despite Sharleen’s initial hesitance, scenes from the montage make me think she’s going to come around and eventually be all in on Juan Pablo. I suppose it shouldn’t really come as a surprise as, if this were an opera, that’s exactly what would happen. The demure peasant girl meets the rakish duke and at first, she resists, only to be eventually won over by his cunning schemes and debonair charm. Only the plus side, her odds of dying from tuberculosis at the end of this show are at least 50% lower.

Background (B): 7
We got a taste of things, but I must know more!  It seems like taking a six week break from an opera company isn’t really something that you just do (based on the survey opera course I took in college which, obviously, gave me deep insight into the inner workings of an opera company). The simple explanation is that her agent failed to get her on The Voice and this was a consolation prize. But I prefer to imagine she’s on the run after some sort of Aida-themed black swan situation (Black camel?) Or maybe she got in too deep with the Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft (The Association for subordinate officials of the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services – I swear, this one’s legit). I look forward to not learning about any of this and instead being subjected to her talking about how she didn’t feel pretty in 7th grade.

Domesticatability (D): 1

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 8

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 1
Though if the season goes down like I think it will, it’s possible that this number will climb.

Andi – SP: 900

Attraction (a): 10
Honestly, if I had an 11 in my bag, I’d use it. Juan Pablo was pretty generous with the compliments all night, but with Andi, he actually seemed flustered.

Background (B): 7
Andi is a “gang prosecutor,” which, if her package is to be believed, is code for “actress in a low budget informational video about sexual harassment in the workplace.” Also, she really, adamantly wants Juan Pablo and America to know that she DOES NOT read. Maybe reading isn’t super sexy, but it’s a hell of lot more attractive than acting like you’re not smart when, in fact, you are.

Domesticatability (D): 2
And, speaking of the movie Taken, can you imagine if your mom was a federal prosecutor dealing primarily with gang activity? I’d almost be surprised if her kids didn’t get taken hostage.  

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 10 

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C):  1

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