Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 1, the Draft: Limo 2 Prospect Report

As many of you know, last season, I derived a complicated, highly nuanced and foolproof equation using my many years of study of discrete calculus, quantum physics, and string theory (also my limited understanding of the meaning of the words "complicated," "nuanced," and "foolproof"). For those of you not familiar, you can revisit my genius here, but as I've never been one to rest on my laurels (on an unrelated note - does anyone know where I can get some laurels?) and as the rules of the Bachelorette clearly aren't always the same as those that govern the Bachelor, I have developed a metric to help you evaluate these year's batch of hopeful prospects.

Below, I give you the Staying Power (SP) rating for each of the women based on their performance in episode 1. I would definitely use this metric to guide your draft (or almost anything else).  For more detail on the hours of careful thought (read: metro ride) that went into Staying Power  (SP = a*P(D+B) * (-0.25C+ 2C)), see my earlier post.

Kat - SP: 5

Attraction (a): 5
In all fairness, this almost certainly would be higher, if Juan Pablo didn't envision poor Kylie's mortified, horrified face every time he looked at Kat. But hey, if I hadn't gotten the stomach flu in the 8th grade, I'd probably still enjoy a good Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin. the world is a cruel place. 

Background (B): 0

Domesticatability (D): 1

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 1

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 1
Although the likelihood of stabbing Kylie in the neck is probably considerably higher. 

Chantel - SP: 10

Attraction (a): 5
  I don't think it's love at first sight, but he did take a rather long and lingering look at her butt as she walked away...which, do you think they ask the Bachelor's about their physical types or do they just assume everyone is into super skinny, super sculpted, and between 75-90% real. Because in the one million years that this show has been running, I find it very hard to believe that they have gone 18 for 18 on men who are opposed to hips. 

Background (B): 0

Domesticatability (D): 1

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 2
Chantel's going to rack up some points for crying, but I'm pretty sure those tears will be shed on the way out the door. 

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 1

Victoria - SP: 16

Attraction (a): 8
When Victoria makes her escape for the Bachelor Mansion's warm boozy escape, Juan Pablo chases her with "Hmm...another cute one." And all I can think is, that really sucks for Kat and Chantel!

Background (B): 1
Victoria is from Brazil and speaks a little bit of Spanish. And while that's enough information for me to write some rather elaborate fan fiction (It mattered not that they spoke different languages. The language of love was the only translation they would ever need...and it helped that "throbbing member" was the same in Spanish and Portuguese) it's not much to go on in general. 

Domesticatability (D):

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 1
This one comes with a huge grain of salt as I pretty much had forgotten about her by the time I saw the montage and probably attributed all of her appearances to Andi. 

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 1

Lucy - SP: 350

Attraction (a): 5

I'm pretty sure Lucy is a producer's pick. Juan Pablo's reaction to the whole barefoot thing -
confused but kind of into it - was far warmer than mine would be. But on the Juan Pablo Galavis spectrum of emotion "confused but kind of into it" is on the lower end of things somewhere below "Delighted but also thirsty" and just above "Aroused but also wondering about the score of the Heat game."

Background (B): 2
Outside of her excellent interview, we didn't get too much here. But I can say with 100% certainty that she's not actually a gypsy. 

Domesticatability (D): 0
So, I'm sure it comes as no big shock that I'm not 100% bought in Lucy's "Free Spirit" Status. Because not only is Lucy saying it about herself, but she is also plastering it on a banner containing her name, ago, and other vital stats (which, in the context of reality shows really should be something like other reality show appearances; orifices out of which body shots have been taken, and, of course, tattoo-to-diploma ratio). But let's be honest, here, if a woman says she has no desire to live in a single location, she's not going to want to help raise your kid. 

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 
Lucy's going to big and then go home, but there's no room in her suitcase to bring her dignity back with her!

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C):
Lucy is right in the craziness sweet spot. She has nutso villain written all over her, and she's going to ride the producer's favor to at least one exotic locale. Seeing as I feel pretty confident that "free spirit" is code for "aspiring actress" look for Lucy to put up big points early but to fade down the stretch when she gets kicked off/gets a call from her agent that her big break (playing the Funny Bone in the Movie version of "Operation") has finally come through. 

Danielle - SP: 18

Attraction (a): 6
Danielle elicited a rather half-hearted "I'm liking this Limo!" as well, but you know what? I can't even process the merits of her attractiveness because I am so incredibly distracted by her entrance. Danielle told Juan Pablo that she had a present for him that she would give him inside and then we never heard from her again. We'll never know if she gave him an origami heart, or her virginity, or a macrame potholder she assembled in prison. It's just irresponsible editing!

Background (B): 0
Who cares! Was it the board game Pretty Pretty Princesses that he coveted as a child? Was it a drugstore Russel Stover sampler that his mother would never buy him?

Domesticatability (D): 1
Was it Frankincense? Was is Myrrh? Does Danielle think Juan Pablo might be Jesus? (Disclaiming: Juan Pablo is almost certainly not Jesus)

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 3
Was it the first gift in a series of gifts? Will gifts 1-4 only become clear when she presents him with a lock of her hair and a single hand-whittled peg on Week 5?

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 1
Was it the prized item from her collection of human toenails (the prized item from her collection of sloth toenails would be far too precious to share)? Nah, they probably would have shown that.

Lauren S. - SP: 21

Attraction (a): 7
Lauren S. and I may not have a lot in common. Setting aside the fact that I don't actually know how to ride a bicycle for a moment (Yes, I know. It's pretty sad. But if my marriage ever goes South, I have a built in tragedy to air on the know, besides the whole marriage going South thing...), Lauren rode up on a self-propelled vehicle weighing somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 pounds, playing a lovely classical song of her own composing all while being incredibly nervous. And, while she may have hit a sour note or two in there, not a single drop of sweat graced her incredibly talented brow. Juan Pablo claimed to like that she was "musical," but I wonder if that really did her justice. For example (And I'm just spit-balling here - no one in particular in mind), I wonder if he'd feel the same were he met by a sopping and smelly girl, fingers slipping off the keys in her sweatiness as she plinked out the shaky melody line of Heart and Soul. Can't help thinking it's a little bit more than Lauren's musical ability...

Background (B): 1
The fact that she's a composer makes me feel pretty confident she's on her way to deafness, dying of consumption, and/or on the verge of being murdered by a hired assassin after one of her many lovers witnesses her performance on the show.

Domesticatability (D): 0

Featured Scene Percentage in 'Coming Up' Montage (P): 1

Likelihood of Stabbing you in the Neck and/or Shaving off her own Eyebrows to Make a Point about you never noticing her Haircut (C): 45
Though due to her job as a composer, her insanity must be measured on a different scale. This is the Marketing Director or VIP cocktail waitress equivalent of an 8. 

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