Friday, January 31, 2014

Andi: Man, I feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain

So, obviously, I have mixed feelings about Andi. In the advent calendar, I complained about her being to conceited about her many accomplishments and now that the season is rolling, I'm wishing that she would take a little bit more pride in who she really must be. In actuality, I should probably stop worrying about any of this and should just stand by Andi in solidarity as we defend our inalienable prerogative to have a little fun.

But alas, I cannot. perhaps sisterhood just isn't for me. Because for as much as I focus on the extent to which Sharleen is too smart for Juan Pablo, Andi has to be even smarter. She made it through law school, got what seems to be a pretty impressive job, and once convicted a man in six minutes (which clearly means she must be smarter than me as I still have many questions as to what this even means). So girlfriend (Can I call you girlfriend? We're talking Shania, here, so I'm pretty sure I can) don't waste your time trying to convince us that you don't read. Don't make a fuss because you "get" Juan Pablo's sense of humor (which, by the way, Juan Pablo, "getting it" and "not being impressed by it" may look very similar, but they're far from the same thing). It is possible to be totally crazy, to forget you're a lady, to don men's shirts and pair them with short skirts (by the way, seriously, brain? You sure you don't want to use that space where you're housing these lyrics for state capitals or the order of the presidents or something?) and to still be smart.

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