Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kat: Like a Prayer by Madonna

When I was in college, this used to be my least favorite party song (replacing the long-standing hold bar mitzvah and wedding favorite Celebrate had on my anti-heart) for the simple fact that every time it was played a gaggle of girls would insist on getting down on their knees at Madonna's command in gratuitous simulation of blow jobs.  While I certainly understand being intimidated by Madge's impressive if upsettingly sinewy physique, I suspect that the motivation to execute her command stemmed from something other than fear. Kat's pretty much the Bachelor equivalent of that overtly sexual dance move, and (really depressingly) the other girls seem to be the equivalent of crotchety, judgmental me. 

However, I can't be fully mad at Kat for the choices she makes. Unlike Nikki and Clare and the myriad other girls who seem to have no familiarity with the premise of this 15-year old show every time they open their mouths to kvetch, Kat understands how the game is played. I don't need the backup dancers in my life clamoring for everyone's attention as they use their body language to oh so subtly promise sex, but I'm pretty sure Juan Pablo and I differ on a lot of our life goals. 

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