Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 5, The Scores

Ben – 50
+20 for referencing his connection with Des...twice...once with the word "intimate attached"
+5 for crying
Bonus: +10 for repeatedly referencing his good Christian man-ness
+15 for being such a good sport in the limo ride home and asking how long he had to wait before he could go out and get laid...I think I remember Abraham asking God that in the bible.

Bryden – 73
+50 for leaving the show
+3 for saying "amazing" twice on the his way out
Bonus: +20 for interrupting Chris' date with Des because he couldn't stand to be there a moment longer

Brooks - 38
+3 for saying "amazing" twice
+10 for kissing in a group setting
+20 for a date rose
Bonus: +5 for perving on Des' makeout section with James. Is it just me, or is this happening a lot this season?

Chris – 45
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+20 for date rose
+10 for writing Des a poem
Bonus: +10 for the most obvious producer-prompted sound bite of the season so far: "I don't think anything could go wrong"

Drew – 30
+10 for referencing his connection with Des
+10 for attempting to tattle and failing
+5 for a rose

James – 26
+1 for single use of the word amazing
+10 for referencing his connection with Des
+10 for kissing in a group setting
+5 for a rose

Juan Pablo – 5
+5 for a rose
Non-Bonus Aside: Did Juan Pablo get sent home when I wasn't watching?

Kasey – 5
+5 for a rose

Michael G. – 75
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy
+10 for plugging his career (even though he's a lawyer and not a model/performer, it's been too eggregious not to score....are lawyers not allowed to speak without using courtroom drama cliches?)
+30 for tattling - even though it was in front of Ben, this had to have counted for something
+ 20 for a not-at-all-deserved group rose
Bonus:  +5 for mixing his metaphors (and being generally uncertain if he wanted to convict men or use methods just a little bit more violent and outside the law)

Mikey T. – 10
+10 for referencing his connection with Des


Zak W. – 30
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for revealing he almost became a priest - while not really a tragedy, it merits about the same number of points
+5 for interrupting Mikey's one-on-one time with a yodel.
+10 for kissing on a group date - to the best of my knowledge, he's never actually been shown kissing Des on screen, but the fact that she thinks he's the best kisser makes me think he deserves the points.

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