Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Episode 5, Deserstestaatzeitpunkt: Des' First Time in the Country

Or at least I assume that there must be a special word for this because they are hitting it so hard. Des didn't grow up privileged. We get it. But we know she's been to Canada's winter playground (technically Alberta, but I would also accept just "Canada" as an acceptable answer) and to some tropical island nation that I've already erased from my memory (see reluctant tourism boards. It is a worthwhile investment to host a group of camera-toting degenerates who will most likely confuse your country with Scotland for a week), so it;s not exactly like she's never been further from home than the neighboring county or she's never eaten food that didn't come from McDonald's. Plus, the vast majority of Americans have never been to Europe (you know - the ones who also live in apartments), so maybe we should give the impoverished bumpkin angle a rest and concentrate on how her childhood was, you know, happy and normal.

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