Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 2, The Scores

Ben – 71
+1 Use of “amazing”
+10 for saying he and Des “have a connection”
+20 for kissing in two group scenarios
+20 for date rose
Bonus: +10 for interrupting two dates
+5 for saying “Not only do I know she had feelings for me, but everyone else does too” – how can anyone be questioning if this guy’s here for the right reasons?!
+5 for mispronouncing Genuine (like Ginuwine of – “My Pony” fame)

Brad – 5
+5 for rose
Non-points-worth aside: Turns out it’s Brad and Brian who I can’t distinguish between (Briand?) not Brian and Dan. It’s not a great sign when I can’t even tell who I can’t tell apart.

Brandon – 40
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy
+ 10 for asking if Ben is there for the right reasons
+5 for a rose
+5 for unintentional nudity
Bonus: +10 for enjoying the hell out of the unintentional nudity to the extent that it basically becomes intentional

Bryden – 82
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy
+27 for use of amazing (5 time use plus multiplier for using it three times in a single sentence)
+10 (5x2) for date kissing in a hot tub (though technically he should get -10 for having to be told to kiss her)
+15 for Desiree saying he was the “best guy” to bring on the road trip date – even though, as far as I can tell, he spoke approximately 5 times
+20 for date rose

Brian – 15
+5 for rose
Bonus: +10 for using the word “mores” as in “Values, mores, ideals.” Someone was studying his thesaurus before he came on the show!

Brooks - 70
+15 for use of “amazing”
+15 for Desiree saying he was the “best guy” to take on the LA date
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy (after some prompting)
+5 for crying
+5 for date kissing
+20 for a date rose

Chris – 5
+5 for a rose

Dan – 5
+5 for a rose

Drew – 5
+5 for a rose

James – 15
+10 for questioning if Ben is there for the right reasons
+5 for a rose

Juan Pablo – 5
+5 for a rose

Kasey – 5
+5 for a rose
Non-Bonus: I seriously considered giving Kasey some bonus points for not speaking and therefore not using the #, but that seemed like setting the bar too low

Michael G. – 30
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy
+ 5 for a rose
Bonus: +5 for revisiting the historically effective strategy of “guarding and protecting Desiree’s heart.”
+10 for suggesting that people in his life are disrespecting his Nana (This is a tragedy in and of itself – who is disrespecting his Nana!?)

Mikey T. – 35
+10 for questioning if Ben is here for the right reasons
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for starting drama only to be assuaged by the fact that Ben likes his shoes
+5 for general gossip mongering
+5 for correctly producing genuine and making me reexamine my biases (between him and Ben, I wasn’t thinking Mikey would be the one to get the word correct)

Nick M. – 0


Robert – 0

Zack K. – 10
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +5 for making a “things I like about you so far” list – I’m pretty bummed we didn’t get to hear it though. I’m sure it was sheer poetry
Also, is anyone else getting a Hugh Grant-y vibe from Zack?

Zak W. – 25
+10 for giving Des a gift
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for being jealous of Brandon’s nudity

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