Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Episode 3, The Lie to Get the Girl (Ben)

So, as best as I can tell, here's the argument about Ben: Ben lied to us and therefore, he is a liar. And if he's willing to lie to us (the drakkar noir dosed man boys), then he's bound to also be lying (the attractive lady he wants to sleep with). But the idea that lying is always wrong, no matter the context or the players involved, is a faulty one (albeit one with which I fully intend to indoctrinate my children just like the rest of the world). Even the bible, which so many of these guys allegedly claim as their moral compass, doesn't say "thou shalt not lie." It says "though shalt not bear false witnesses" because even [insert whichever purported biblical author is least offensive to you] recognizes that who you lie to and when you lie matters.

Lying to the Nazis about the Jews hiding in your attic is not the same as lying to the police about where you were on the night in question. Lying to your daughter about the existence of Santa Claus is not the same as lying to your investors about the continued existence of the millions of dollars they sunk into your canal scheme. And, though perhaps not on the same scale of these falsehoods, lying to your bros about sneaking off for some clandestine canoodling with Desiree is not the same as lying to Desiree about your intentions. Since the dawn of time, men have been lying to their buddies to beg off of mastodon hunting or looting and pillaging or poker night so that they can spend the night with their girlfriends pretending to enjoy watching The Notebook (or, for that matter, The Bachelor) or whatever they have to do to get some action. And while this may not make them the world's best brosephs, it does not make them a moustache-twirling, train-track-tying-to villain either. Heck, it doesn't even make them a bad boyfriend.

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