Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Episode 5, Kaffeehausreimwortidiotdichtung: Writing Poems that Don't Rhyme in a Coffee Shop

 It probably doesn't come as much of a shock that I don't actually speak any German. But I do speak (a very little) Chinese, and there's a phrase in Chinese that I absolutely love with idiomatically translates to, basically, "You're an idiot," but literally translates to "Talking to you is like playing piano for a cow." And I envision this newly minted German word having similar idiomatic use. Chris seems legitimately sweet in a goofy sort of way that Des could potentially find true happiness in, but I wonder if he's maybe not that bright. Because if you're going to go to the great lengths of pretension to sit in a coffee shop and write poetry, than buddy, you can't make it rhyme!  I can't decide which Chris moment had me shaking my head more: the "cow" language barrier debacle, the incredibly bad poetry, or his soundbite in which he expressed his excitement to be out with Des because it meant he didn't have to worry about brushing his teeth.  Chris, 10 out of 10 dentists recommend you brush your teeth every night.  Even if you have a date.

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