Thursday, June 13, 2013

Episode 3, The Screen Time Lie (Brooks)

I believe that Brooks broke, or at least very badly jammed, his finger (and I come from a family in which, when faced by a similar injury, my MD father would have grumbled "You're fine. Just tape it to the one next to it" so I have comdo doubt that, were we to have encountered Brooks in his natural habitat, he would have made such a fuss. Among his friends, getting injured in an adult dodgeball game would ordinarily be enough to earn Brooks a few weeks of good-natured ribbing and maybe an affectionate nickname like "Sally Ann" or "Weak-Bones McWusspants). Getting injured in an adult dodgeball game and then whining about it would be unpardonable. Brooks' friends would have had no choice but to cut him dead,culling their friendship herd as they all replied "No Me Gusta" to his Saturday Night Salsa and Sangria Game Night and stopped returning his calls.

plete faith that the tin can contraption the ER docs jury-rigged together is standard operating procedure for a patient suffering from the most grievous of digit-ly harm), and I have no doubt that broken fingers hurt. But I
But the introduction of a pretty girl and a bunch of cameras changes the stakes. All of a sudden the game is not so much like an adult dodgeball league but is instead like a more age appropriate dodgeball unit in gym class. If Brooks gets hurt, he not only gets to sit out until they start on floor hockey next week, but he also gets some guaranteed screen time (which is great because bustling paramedics and beeping machines really bring out his eyes) and a surefire sympathy rose to ride into the next round.

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