Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fun Site Housekeeping Stuff

Just a quick note to point out that we've added a Twitter feed to the site! Follow us @BachelorLeague for the latest posts and witticisms, share links with us, etc. Speaking of sharing links, we've started a list of a few of the Bachelor/Bachelorette fan blogs we like to read - see the sidebar of this page. This is by no means a long and exhaustive list of all the great blogs out there, so feel free to share your favorites with us so we can spend even more time thinking about these important pop culture issues instead of, say, our 9-5 jobs. And also so we can debate the merits of scandalously-clad men dancing on rooftops.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to add to the other fun Bachelor/Bachelorette blogs. Anyone who follows ihategreenbeans knows about Some Guy. :-)
