Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day Twenty-Seven, Selma

SelmaIf you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why?Oprah, just because who wouldn't want to have lunch with Oprah and pick her brain for an hour.Who are your top 3 favorite group/artists & why?Jamey Johnson, because he's an incredible song writer.  Miranda Lambert because her music and voice is incredible and Rihanna because she gets me pumped.Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?I am a sentimental person, but wouldn't consider myself romantic.THE BACHELOR - The next edition of ABC's hit romance reality series, "The Bachelor," returns to ABC for its 17th season in January 2013. (ABC/KEVIN FOLEY) SELMA

Based purely on the ABC photos, I think Selma is easily the prettiest lady here.  However, in some interview, the origins or accuracy of which I am completely unable to site, she apparently said "hopeless places" are the best places to meet guys.  Outside of being ripped from Rihanna, I can't help but wonder what sorts of places she means.  Is she picking up men on death row, or is she exclusively referring to her almost infinitesimal odds on the Bachelor.


  1. Does The Bachelor's Selma remind anyone else of the real Salma (Hayek)?

    1. Totally. I think it's something in the nose. That and them both being incredibly gorgeous.
