Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 2, Tara

So, approximately half of Tara's profile reads like an extended Jeff Foxworthy joke. Not only is she the (I'm assuming) self-proclaimed Sports Fishing Enthusiast, but she also makes special note that what she likes most in a man is someone who opens the truck door for her. Yet, the other half of Tara's profile makes me feel like she might be hiding something...from her discussion of traveling on her "identical twin's" passport to romantic notion that being married is "legal documentation," it seems like there's at least a 70% chance that Tara is a KGB operative sent to infiltrate one of our most beloved American reality television shows. And just because her training heavily emphasized the memorization of You Might Be a Redneck If..., that doesn't mean she won't soon be poised to take us all down. 

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