Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 24, The Beginning of the End

I know I've probably foretold of the Bachelapocalypse a time or too before, and Chris Harrison has yet to have been struck down with a meteor. So perhaps I'm not exactly a reality TV Nostradamus. Heck, I probably don't even qualify as a dating show Heaven's Gate (which is lucky for all of you as I shall be sending each of you Koolaid for Christmas this year). But what I can say with confidence is that...this year...features Twins.

I can only imagine the ABC team is attempting to trade on the somewhat debatable success of Lauren does set us up for the most scandalous fantasy suite in show history there any part of the audience demographic that actually wants to see that? Perhaps, after Kaitlyn's season, they just feel like they need to restore a degree of authenticity to final show platitude "I can't believe I've fallen in love with two women at the same time."
and Ashley I's stint in paradise by giving us a team of genetic mutants who aren't afraid to share each others secrets, run madcap swapsie scenarios, or, of course, "tell mom." But...I don't know..when it comes to twins, there's an inexplicable link to a male fantasy that I think most women really can't comprehend. A fantasy that doesn't align with everlasting love or right reasons or going to any type of pre-specified location to make friends. I guess it theoretically

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