Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 11, The Names

After a few years of some pretty normal and uninspiring monikers, we've finally hit pay dirt this year! The producers have finally remembered that their job is not just to select a range of personalities who will generate conflict as well as a sort of semi-permanent, at least partially lust-fueled version of love. But to select a range of personalities who will generate conflict as well as a sort of semi-permanent, at least partially lust-fueled version of love while laboring under ridiculous names. This year, they haven't held back, going for all of their greatest hits, including:

Women with the Same Name:
This year, I think they've set a record with four Laurens including two Lauren Bs. Naturally, the producers understood that their audience was primarily made up of mature adults who would understand that sometimes people have the same name, so they responded in the only natural way. By forcing one of the two Laurens to pretend she goes by "LB." This is sure to make for some rose ceremony fun!
Yes...I think this is officially the saddest blog photo
that I have ever googled. Merry Christmas

Women who Dot the "i's" in their Names with Hearts:
I cannot offer any concrete evidence to support this. But when you go by "Jami" or "Mandi" it seems like you're pretty much asking for it.

Women who Misspell their Names, ostensibly solely for the Sake of Being Different:
So, I know I did a whole think about how I was okay with Maegan spelling her name in a different way than the traditional, correct spelling, but....I'm pretty sure those of you who have been following the blog for the past few years new it was a vicious, vicious lie. And I'm none too pleased with Caila either!

Women whose Parents Seemed to have Wanted them To Grow up to Be Strippers:
It's possible arguments could be made for the parental intentions of Amber and Tiara, but...Jubliee? Lace? Did Santa also bring them some tassles and a pole when they had been very good?

Women who Prefer Nicknames:
In contrast to "LB," I imagine Joelle actually encourages people to call her JoJo. It is encouragement that I hope people will not take.

Women who will Start a Fight Merely by Having Someone Else say their Name:
Shushanna just sets the room up for a hostile "Did you just shush me?" moment. Her parents basically might have named her "Are-you-calling-me-a-bitch-anna."

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