Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 12, Olivia

There's something vaguely predatory about Olivia's smile, and, while I don't typically like to judge based on appearances (you know, at least not aloud), her profile backs me up.

Because even her most embarrassing moment is vaguely competitive. Olivia admits that not much embarrasses her, but then qualifies with "Maybe the time I set the record for time spent stuck in an elevator my freshman year of college." Which...first of getting stuck in an elevator really that embarrassing? Unless you somehow accidentally pressed a button that said "Don't Press Me or You Will Get Stuck" instead of the one for "Lobby" or were stuck in there for a long time and went a little Lord of the Flies, you're basically just telling us about a time where something happened to you that sort of sucked and you continued to be in a normal state of non-embarrassed. But second of all, who works a brag into an embarrassing moment? Why did it have to be a record? Couldn't it have just been a lengthy stay in a vertically mobile box? Does someone at your college actually chart records for those sorts of things? And do they get course credit for it? And do we think Olivia herself was the person that did that job and she now holds all sorts of inane college records? All I can say is, I'd really like to see her resume because I envision she has some truly amazing "special skills."

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