Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 17, The Return of the Old Favorites

And by old favorites, I of course mean, former contestants about whom my apathy knows no bounds. Though I am sure the two women are equally certain that they are destined to end up with Ben, in nearly every other way, they couldn't be more different. Amber carries an air of desperation, while Becca gives off the icy chill of a someone who might not be fully open to finding true love on reality TV (I know. The bitch!). I imagine one of them will do quite well, and I imagine it will probably be Becca because could there possibly be a less subtle juxtaposition of a series of fantasy suite dates featuring a virgin and twins!?!?  Of's possible that's just bitterness talking...I wasn't thrilled to find out that I actually sort of remembered their cast bios from their season with Chris.

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