Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 14, The Inane Conversations

To prepare us, ABC's crack team decided to make us read each and every contestant's answer to the question "Do you prefer hot or cold weather?" Maybe it will soon emerge that temperature preference is of the utmost importance to Ben, but...I'm not even convinced it's possible to answer that question in an interesting way. (Okay, it's clearly possible..."Cold because it keeps the bodies better preserved" and "Hot because it means more patrons for my ice cream truck business" both come to mind, but..,it's certainly not probable). 
My ice cream truck business where I keep the bodies....
The only possible justification is that they are attempting to re-invigorate us to sit through dozens of conversations that start with "how do you know you're ready to find love" or "where do you see yourself in five years" or "I love your blue eyes. Oh, they're green? I thought they were blue" and they know they only hurt themselves if our standards are raised.

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