Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 16, Maegan initial instinct was to criticize Maegan for the horrible misspelling of what is the most perfect of names, but....then I read her profile...and now I think that it's probably for the best that she and I don't share a name. Because we certainly don't share anything else!

For example, Maegan, hails from Texas and is a self-described cowgirl and literally punctuates her profile with the colloquialism "Shoot-" . I hail from Minnesota, which might as well be Canada, and as a result am often criticized for pronouncing words like "about" so that they rhyme with "shoot."

Maegan has a pet mini horse, whereas I...don't even have a way to end this sentence that comes close to rivaling a mini horse.

Maegan claims that when she approaches guys "ass grabbing always works great!" Whereas I prefer to reserve my ass grabbing for business meetings.

And I guess, since Maegan does mention snake-murdering in her profile, it probably makes sense that she gets the more Irish of the spellings. St. Patrick would be proud. And then, I imagine, probably ashamed at the sparkly green booty shorts Maegan once wore in his honor. And then proud again because she was wearing them with her mini horse.

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