Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Bachelor Advent Calendar

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Yet another year, and yet another need to count down to the mounting excitement for what is undoubtedly the most exciting holiday of the year (after Arbor Day, of course): the January premier of the Bachelor! This sweet little guy is, I'm guessing, just the first of an unprecedented number of baby farm animals that we will be treated to on the upcoming season, rivaled for screen time only by amber waves of grain, cliches about the Midwest, and, one assumes, gratuitous footage of Chris operating heavy machinery while shirtless (Despite what the warning labels recommend. You think a nipple can't get caught in a baler?).

Look out for a new post every day between tomorrow and the season premier as I countdown the things I'm looking forward to about this year's season while, perhaps exposing entirely too much about my love of flannel. I hope you'll all join me as we gear up for our 8th season of the Bachelor/ette Fantasy League!

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