Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Finals, The Scores

Andrew – 55
+5 for earning audience applause
+20 for earning shocked audience disbelief
Bonus: +10 for saying his personal life has been effected
+20 for earning special To Catch a Predator-style footage of him saying something to JJ
Non-Bonus Aside: Do you think the producers somehow got him to agree to call Marquel "Ron" to further strengthen their case? How was he not really careful about that? And how is it possible that he still thinks he's not racist

Bradley – 5
+5 for earning audience applause

Brian – 30
+10 for earning audience applause x2
+10 for being featured in two bloopers
Bonus: +10 for calling JJ out on his very weak apology

Carl – 5
+5 for earning audience applause

Chris – 80
+40 for earning audience applause x 8
+10 for being featured in two bloopers
Bonus: +10 for Andi admitting she loved his family more than him...not that it was exactly a surprise...
+20 for what was the most awkward, weird planted speed date thingy in show history. I don't even know what that was, but...well, if that woman shows up on his season of The Bachelor, we know who everyone is going to hate.

Cody – 20 
+5 for earning audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Bonus: +10 for what was the saddest, sweetest,  most Cody-esque comment about not everyone getting kisses on 1-on-1 dates. I sincerely hope that Bachelor in Paradise goes better for him than I fear it might.

Craig – 5
+5 for earning audience applause
Non-Bonus Aside: I'm guessing the producers refused to allow him to pre-game the taping. This was clearly a mistake.

Dylan – 35
+5 for earning audience applause
+10 for being featured in two bloopers
Bonus: +10 for the whole hand washing, hand sanitizer debacle. You're not the only one whose life was impacted here, Andrew!
+10 for having his secrets exposed through the lie detector test. 

J.J. – 20
+5 for earning audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Bonus: +10 for unnecessarily interrupted Marquel's time

Marcus – 55
+20 for earning audience applause x 4
+10 for earning an audience awwwww
+5 for being featured in a blooper
+10 for saying he was changed by the experience
+10 for referencing his journey
Non-Bonus Aside: I award him no points for having his secrets exposed through the lie detector test. It was basically tantamount to a televised high five for all the women he's slept with...and that seems like reward enough

Marquel – 50
+30 for earning audience applause x 6
Bonus: +10 for continuing his track history of being massively mature and classy
+10 for bringing cookies for everyone

Nick S.    
Nick S. - 15
+5 for earning audience applause
Bonus: +10 for calling Andi out on having her guard up a la Eric
Non-Bonus Aside: The hair was a definite improvement. As much as I liked the diversity angle, allowing someone who was balding on to the show, the longer hair made him nearly unrecognizable and inarguably a more attractive man.

Patrick – 5
+5 for earning audience applause

Ron – 5
+5 for earning audience applause

Tasos – 5
+5 for earning audience applause

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