Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 13, Chris vs. Chris

Look at these two fine gentleman, both tan and well-coiffed and, for some reason, I'm envisioning boasting chests as smooth as a freshly botoxed housewife. And yet it would seem that the similarities end there. Because while  Harrison might experience a degree of reality television success most Midwestern farmers could only dream of, he can't possibly go blow for blow with Soules when it comes to manliness. And I've gotta imagine that's bound to sting a little bit.

Harrison has made his career out of maintaining a smug sense of betterness. He's the guy who believes in love when all the other guys choose to treat it like trash. The guy whose intentions are pure, but whose romantic needs don't extend to slumming it in the reality dating pool. And yet here's a guy, a guy with the same name who has the potential to somehow be superior to him. And that's just gotta rub Harrison the wrong way.

I have no doubt that Chris Harrison will manage to maintain his air of distant chumminess that he reserves for all Bachelor men. He is a consummate professional (especially if we all just agree to forget about Juan Pablo's season for a little bit), but I like to think that the half smile he has going on in the photo above can be considered something of a tell (I also like to think Soules has just made a bit of a dig about Harrison's manicured hands - something cutting yet charmingly naive like "Oh my Gosh! I didn't even know if was possible to go through life without a single callous!") and that we are in for a subtly petulant season ahead.

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