Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 20, Mackenzie

So...in case her very trendy 90's name wasn't a giveaway, Mackenzie is young.  And sure, age is just a number and it's entirely possible that her life experiences have endowed her with a maturity that is well beyond her years, but, well....Mackenzie is too young.

For a simple illustration, let's take her favorite movie Mean Girls (which is somehow celebrating its 10th anniversary, and has clearstood the test of time in a way Lindsay Lohan has not). When Mean Girls came out, Chris was perhaps a year out of college, proving himself as a man and revolutionizing the family businesses with his sexy but dangerous agribusiness ideas (I assume). I imagine he probably didn't see the movie right away, busy as he was being an adult and devoting his free time to building his own house, but when he did, I'm sure he admired Tina Fey's attractive brain more than anything else. When Mackenzie saw Mean Girls on the other hand, I imagine she admired Amanda Seyfried's already developed breasts and wondered if being a big kid was really that hard. And I'm in no way calling her flat-chested or mocking her intellectual capacity - merely pointing out the rather disconcerting truth that when the movie came out, Mackenzie was literally in 5th grade.

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