Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 21, Learning More About Other People's Faith

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Hate to ruin the miracle, but turns out, that's not blood.
It's mascara
The Bachelor has always had an interesting relationship with religious faith. Religious piety is as central to the show's hypocrisy as it likely is to its cross-country appeal. Though his last name is Soules, I'm not sure that Chris' religious affiliation or depth of faith has yet been made clear. But this certainly hasn't stopped these girls from coming out swinging right out of the gate (much as the six months hiatus from blogging has not stopped me from mixing my metaphors). The good news is, I'm already learning. Because if these girls' bios and their lists of the items they could never live without are to be believed, then nothing pairs quite as well with the Bible as a curling iron and a pound of slap.

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