Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 7, Juelia

Why? Not because she so obviously loves to eat (And no, I'm not calling this woman who lives very much on the svelte side of normal, fat. Just paying her her propers for the 30% of her profile she devotes to talking about eating and food). But because in a year that's filled with stripper names (seriously: Amber, Tandra, Trina, Jade, Bo, two forms of Brittany Cinnamon, Chardonnay, Roxy McBoobs...Okay, there's a chance I made a few of those up) preppy millenial monikers (MacKenzie, Reegan, to a lesser extent Kimberly and Jillian), and the completely unremarkable, only Juelia has the guts to deliver a completely unnecessary spelling of a very common name. And isn't that what we've all come to expect from this magical program? No, isn't that what we deserve?

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