Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 10, Michelle

I'm looking forward to Michelle because I sense she knows how the game is meant to be played. Sure, she's a wedding cake decorator, which practically means we're guaranteed a package in which she talks about seeing all the happy couples whilst wistfully wishing that it could FINALLY happen to her despite the fact that she is all of 25. But she also had the good sense to really swing for the fences when asked about her perfect date. Unlike all the poor saps who thought it wise to angle for nothing more than a "romantic picnic in the park" or "anything so long as it's with someone I really love" (because, surprise girls, "anything" translates to "immersed blindfolded in a shark tank" in producer speak), Michelle was savvy enough to set herself up for a unexpected trip to Hawaii and a helicopter ride over volcanoes. (Obviously, she'll have to settle for whatever island nation's rainy season corresponds with taping, but I'm sure it will feel just like Hawaii if she packs enough layers).

After so many predictable seasons, it's just always nice to have a few girls with the wherewithal to work the system, and based on her profile, Michele shows grand potential to be that girl. Either that, or she'll be sent packing by week 3 after scaring Chris off with a customized, three-tiered wedding cake in the shape of his own face.

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