Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 9, Brit

I'm calling it right now. Brit isn't here for the right reasons. How do I know? Well, it took some careful sleuthing and just a little bit of reading between the lines. But ultimately, the facts speaks for themselves.

Brit is a waitress. Which, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I like waitresses. I trust them with one of the things that matters most to me in the world and, as a result, even suffer from a strange compulsion to befriend them and win their approval (It's a family trait. My father has always been one of those schmooze-y patrons who can't pass up a good name tag. "Well, Sandy. What would you recommend?"). But clearly Brit has aspirations of a different life. She mentions paying off her college loans, and her favorite authors include David Foster Wallace and Dave Eggers (and lest you think she just turned to the "D" page of whose who in critically celebrated but ultimately fairly depressing authors, she shows evidence of actually know who both these men are). Oh, and one more, less judgey thing: Did I mention she lives in Hollywood?* Outside of the wrestler and the ridiculous country singer guy, I generally don't buy into that whole "not here for the right reasons" thing because it seems like a crutch used to take down whichever spindly-legged fawn the more predatory girls have chosen to dislike. But, when someone's resume is doing that loud of a job screaming "I want to be an actress," don't you think there should maybe be some kind of screener to weed her out of the pack?

*Please note: I'm not counting her ombred hair as meaningful evidence. Though I have considered the possibility that my theory is way of base and, after seeing their impressive handiwork with Andi, Brit is simply angling for a bit of follicular TLC

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