Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 19, Nicole

So, I'll admit it. I'm prone to judging books by their covers. And when I first saw Nicole's picture, at least a part of me thought, "yikes."  Not because she's in anyway unattractive - quite the opposite. She's lovely, has beautiful porcelain skin, and doesn't appear to be too overdone - but because her smile seems to be less a product of joy and more clenching down so hard that she's at real risk of cracking a molar if the photographer doesn't "take the damn picture already."

But then I read her profile, and I have to say I'm something of a convert. She gracefully mentions Jessica Rabbit and her sex appeal while taking care to point out how very different she and Jessica are (she fails to point out how appalling like creepy that this grown woman-cum-sexpot has somehow wound up married to a rabbit, but I'll overlook that just this once). And she also drops several inalienable truths:
  1) "Wolves are badass." Yes, Nicole. Yes they are.
  2) "Being married means having a best friend you want to jump into the sack with." Kudos to you for not being afraid to acknowledge that sex is an important part of marriage on a show that can be ever so slightly prone to slut-shaming.
  3) "Having a date who is rude to 'the staff' is the worst." I can tell you from experience, Nicole, that it's probably slightly better than having a date who doesn't have staff to be rude to, but only ever so slightly, so I'll give you the points nonetheless.

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