Sunday, February 10, 2013

To Sarah, an Open Letter

Dear Sarah,

  When I first watched Sean's unceremonious dumping of you in this week's second episode, I actually thought he did a good a job and you made it about your arm.  But then I thought about it (I thought a lot about it - painting all weekend gave me more than the normal amount of time to think about your plight), and I kind of came around to your way of thinking.

  Honestly, I think it might have been better if Sean had done this the normal way and had just held off on giving her a rose. I'm not buying that he didn't already know he was sending Daniella packing at that point, so the whole, "I don't want to let you spend all of tomorrow thinking about it" just doesn't pass muster. I'm also not buying the whole, "You're such a special girl, but the romance just isn't there." Certainly, the latter part is true, as I've argued previously, but the first part?  I'm just not seeing.

  Look, Sarah, you could be a really nice, really cool girl with lots of interests, an amazing sense of humor, and peppy and charming repartee that outweighs the horrid nasal-ness of your flat affect midwest accent. But all we really know about you is that you have a dog and were born with one arm. Neither of those things should be dating deal breakers, but I think you're probably right to suspect that one of the two was all that Sean was thinking about when he called you "special."

Keep in touch,


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