Sunday, February 10, 2013

To Lesley, an Open Letter

Dear Lesley,

  Girl, I like you, but you are going to have to step up your game if you want to make it any further on this show. You are the only girl that hasn't noticed Sean's penchant for the tragedy boner, the only girl left in the house who hasn't triggered his instinct to protect with a tear-laced tale of personal strife.

  Disability has already been taken, as had bad-news boyfriend, oppressive religion that you don't fully buy into, and childhood trauma galore, but there's a fair amount of upsetting room left to play around with.  So let's brainstorm:

  You're from DC, so you could go with torrid affair with a never-to-be-named politician who was never going to leave his wife - that would certainly a credible excuse for lack of trust - but it seems like Sean's moral code might make this backfire.

  Kacie B. left a hole open in the eating disorder category with her early departure, but we've all seen way too much of your midriff to buy that you're struggling with a surfeit of body consciousness.

  Maybe taken in by a cult, or raised by wolves, or I don't know, maybe go Greek tragedy and tell him that you have to spend have of the year in the underworld. But seriously, lady. You need to get in the game and get in it fast because if Sean doesn't have to protect you from bad memories and emotional closed-offed-ness, then what do the two of you have?

Yours very truly,


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