Sunday, February 10, 2013

To Robyn, an Open Letter

Dear Robyn,

  You went out this week claiming that you were the best person for Sean. So let's take a moment to examine that statement. We don't really know that much about you outside of your weak attempt at gymnastics, and your even weaker pick-up line, but we do know a tad more about Sean.

Sean says he wants: Someone to spend the rest of his life with.
Sean means he wants: Someone to spend a few months with before a public break-up and, if possible, some juicy tabloid rumors.
Sean has never so much as hinted at wanting: Someone who gets super, super angry if he spends so much as fifteen minutes talking to other girls - particularly if those girls haven't proved their self-worth through some sort of canoeing, goats milk drinking relay.

Sean says he wants: Someone who doesn't cause lots of drama
Sean means he wants: Someone who doesn't cause lots of drama or someone who does, but who he's really, really attracted to.
Sean has never so much as hinted at wanting: Someone who promises him candy and then assaults him with her tongue.

Sean says he wants: A wife and a best friend
Sean means he wants: A wife and a Labrador puppy.  Someone loyal, and vulnerable, and cuddly, but not too challenging
Sean has never so much as hinted at wanting: Someone to watch Bad Girls' Club with. Hinting at super trashy reality shows while appearing on one that is just mildly trashy is probably not the savviest move.

Yours till Niagra falls,


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