Friday, February 1, 2013

Episode 4, The Drama

The Situation: Amanda's Fall
How Dramatic Was It? Zero percent dramatic. Let's face it. This episode was, dramatically, a dud. The scenes from next week were the most stimulating part of the whole thing (and, if those scenes teach us anything, it's apparently that I don't wear nearly enough eye makeup). This season is relying entirely too much on injuries to hold our attention from week to week. And while I imagine is will be little bit more interesting to watch Tierra shiver through her football eye black, if you're going to make us watch some girl get carted off to the hospital, at least make sure the other girls are pettily questioning her intentions.  
Who's to Blame: Gravity. If gravity was a lady instead of a natural force, we'd have ourselves one hell of a season!

The Situation: Tierra's Meltdown
How Dramatic Was It? Probably for Tierra it was very dramatic, but then again, I'm pretty sure she's the only one who actually believed that she might leave. 
Who's to Blame: Sean. For all the screen time that they've devoted to Tierra so far, you'd think that at least some of it would be spent chronicling her blossoming relationship with Sean. But actually, outside of the first night, and this week's rose-cum-bribe to get her to stay, Sean has done very little to single her out or even really develop a relationship with her in any way. Perhaps if he didn't make such an effort to make he feel like a frontrunner after extremely limited interaction, she wouldn't believe that she was so superior to the other girls. This, by the way, is the very same argument for why parents shouldn't waste their time developing self esteem in their kids! 

The Situation: Tierra's Apology
How Dramatic Was It? Does hilarious fall somewhere on the dramatic scale? Because this apology was the only enjoyable moment in an otherwise barren wasteland of dull.
Who's to Blame? If the word "apology" is to be believed, then Tierra.  But if Tierra's words, tone of voice, and egregious deployment of the phrase "your bad" are on track, then it's definitely Robyn. I'm actually totally Team Tierra on this. Apologizing when you don't think you're wrong is a very under-appreciated skill, and Robyn's accepting Tierra's apology, then trash talking her a mere fourteen seconds later ain't nothing but catty.

Situation: The Final Rose                        
How Dramatic Was It? Not necessarily dramatic since I think we all pretty comfortable saying that neither Daniella nor Amanda are long for this world, but it was kind of surprising. I felt pretty sure Daniella was going to get the boot, especially when Amanda had the sympathy card tucked neatly in her pocket (or under her bandaged chin).              Who's to Blame? Must there always be someone to blame? Sometime bad things happen and it's very hard to make sense of the whole thing, to explain.  But also, seriously, Amanda.  I'm not the most well-coiffed woman in the world, but maybe just spend a little bit of time at least combing your hair?

1 comment:

  1. I really wish gravity was a 'contestant' on this show. Also, nice screen caps of Daniella's constant rose ceremony pouting! ~MMM
