Sunday, February 10, 2013

To Jackie, an Open Letter

Dear Jackie,

  You poor, sweet, sacrificial lamb. It was pretty clear that even you knew you weren't going to make it through the two-on-one by the frequency with which you pointed out that "Even if it's not tonight" and "Even if it's not me," Sean would realize that Tierra wasn't the one for him.

If you truly had pre-existing beef with Tierra, as we have been led to believe from the footage from the Worst Apology Ever, why didn't we get to see it? Just imagine how much more dramatic this week's two-on-one could have been if the editors had done more to bill you as mortal enemies locked in multiple weeks of petty combat. Almost as dramatic as it would have been if the editors hadn't shown us multiple times that Tierra was going to fake her death by drowning in the next episode.

  You did, however, use this week and the only screen time you were given to reinforce a valuable Bachelor lesson. If you're going tattle on another girl, then you'd better make damned sure that you're the one he really wants to screw. Sean may say that he wants to hear about Tierra's flaws if they impact him, but he doesn't mean it if it puts any sort of doubt roadblock between him, her, and the fantasy suite.

 Smell you later,


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