Friday, January 29, 2016

Week 4, The Scores

Amanda – 15
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for saying that she wasn't sure that "jumping out of a cake and kicking your legs was a talent." A totally fair statement made slightly less fair by the fact that Amanda's talent was hula hooping!
Important Info: I was half tempted to award Amanda pity points for having to awkwardly  sit in the middle of Lauren B. and Ben's post-rose hug, but I decided to let her rest up instead...looks like she's in for a big episode this week!

Amber – 5
+5 for crying
Important Info: I have to wonder if part of the sting behind Amber's elimination was yet again playing second (or probably more accurately 13th or 14th) fiddle to Becca. I mean sure, she made a few crazy statements about Ben and her not-so-impending nuptials, but an epic deckchair breakdown of that magnitude just has to have something else behind it. 

Becca - 70
+20 for a date rose
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+10 for being told she was the perfect person for the wedding date
+15 for having Ben comment on her attractiveness
Bonus: +10 for stealing Lace's lifelong dream of having Ben vow to "always look her in the eyes."
+10 for Ben asking her if she was okay with him not being a virgin. I know he probably didn't mean it that way, but...part of me wonders if he referenced their "similar faith" and then got worried about what America might think if he failed to clarify just where those similarities ended.
Important Info: So ostensibly the producers give the girls guidance for what to wear on their dates. But I am very curious to know how this played out with Becca this week. What guidance was she given? "We're not going to keep you in a wedding dress, but make sure to bring something bridal?" "Wear whatever outfit you would wear to steal the spotlight from a cool half dozen brides?" Is it possible they just said "Break out your white lace caftan" and she had both the capacity and the right kind of can-do attitude to oblige?

Caila – 40
+5 for a rose
+20 (10 x 2) for kissing in a group setting
Bonus: +10 for using a puppet to interview Jennifer about her feelings. Now that B.D. Wong is gone, they do need a new psychologist on Law and Order: SVU
+5 for "sex panther," obviously
Important Info: Although -5 for Ben. If you're going to start out by calling a girl a tigress, then shouldn't it be a sex panthress? Sex pantherina?

Emily– 60
+5 for a rose
+10 for referencing her connection with Ben
+20 for Ben commenting on her attractiveness (at the same time as her sister's attractiveness like a creepo)
+5 for crying
+20 (10 x 2) for kissing on a group date with a "having just abandoned my twin sister" bonus
Important Info: Really this is more of an important question, but given that she told us that she lived there approximately 49 times, how is it possible Emily has never seen fireworks from a roof top in Las Vegas? Aren't they available pretty much every night? 

Haley - 150
+5 for crying
+100 for being kicked off outside of game play
+20 for having Ben comment on her attractiveness (see Emily)
Bonus: +25 for being dumped in front of her sister, dachshunds, and mom
Important Info: I do have to say, I am completely sympathetic to the horrors of bringing a new guy home to photos of your ex. My mom had pictures of my high school boyfriend up in her house until approximately my wedding. And he had ridiculous hockey hair, so you know it wasn't an aesthetic choice!

Jennifer – 5
+5 for a rose
Important Info: The girls were bizarrely supportive of Jennifer's move to steal Ben this week. Either Olivia is really terrible, Jennifer is really meek, or Ben just isn't that enjoyable to talk to. I'm also open to it being a mix of all three.

Jo Jo – 60
+20 for a date rose
+10 (5 x 2) for kissing on a one-on-one in front of other girls
+10 (5 x 2) for kissing on a one-on-one with a helicopter bonus
+15 for Ben commenting on her attractiveness
Bonus: +5 for saying she "would die" if she had a 1-on-1 in Vegas. It turns out she did not.
Important Info: Did anyone else notice Jo Jo's vagueness in talking about her ex? She stuck to gender-neutral pronouns and would neither confirm nor deny that any sort of cheating transpired. I can't help but feeling like she may have kept more secrets than she shared!

Jubilee  30
+5 for a rose
+15 for Ben commenting on her attractiveness
Bonus: +10 for saying if Becca "hasn't lost her virginity in 26 years, then she's not going to lose it in 6 hours." I'm not sure what I like more. The sheer snarkiness of the comment or the implication that Ben - a man who she just gushed about ad nauseum last week, a man who she credits with understanding her better than anyone else in the world - may have highly questionable motives for taking Becca on a date.
Important Info: In case anyone out there was beginning to doubt Jubilee's complexity due to the fact that she has pretty much just repeated that fact for the past three weeks...she also plays the cello!

Lauren B. – 45
+20 for a date rose
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+15 for Ben commenting on her attractiveness
Important Info: There's something that comes through as real about Lauren B.'s relationship with Ben, even though they are both approximately as interesting as the safety announcements Lauren is used to making in her day job (assuming she doesn't work for Southwest, I suppose. Did you guys know they keep a fund just for all of the fines they incur for getting creative with the safety regulations? See, we can learn as we mock!) Unfortunately, Ben doesn't seem to see a problem with letting the others girls know this as well. His validating his confidence in Lauren is almost certainly being heard as doubts about practically everyone else. Stop making the speeches Ben!

Lauren H. – 25
+5 for a rose
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
Bonus: +10 for dressing up in chicken costume for reasons that were never fully, or really even partially, explained
Important Info: I have to say, it's obvious that Lauren H. isn't in this for the long haul given the time spent featuring many of the other girls, but it sort of seems like the producers want to cut her screen time completely and make her into one of those girls who fades into the background but they never quite get there with her because she just keeps doing such adorable things.

Leah – 5
+5 for a rose
Important Info: You know, like they've done to Leah.

Olivia – 60
+5 for a rose
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+5 for crying
+10 for referencing her connection with Ben
Bonus: +20 for the whole cake, nervy b, "not wife material" mess. I have to say, the mere prospect of scoring Olivia week after week is really making me tired!
+10 for telling Jo Jo Ben reciprocated her feelings of "falling for him"
Important Info: Look Olivia's not the nicest to the other girls, but I still wish she had some sort of ally to help her put a halt the downward spiral of self-destruction that she has fallen into. We need her crazy with the girls and confident with Ben, and pulling out the "falling for you" card just feels way, way too soon.

Rachel – 5
+5 for crying
Important Info: Though on her way out, Rachel did alert us to the very important fact that the producers are cheating some of you out of points! Rachel is the only one not to kiss Ben, indeed!

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