Saturday, January 23, 2016

Week 3, The Scores

Amanda – 5
+5 for a rose
Important Info: Amanda devoted her minimal screen time this week to gossiping about how Olivia knew how to not look bad on camera. While I'm not overwhelmingly convinced that's true, it does seem like one effort Olivia is devoting to this pursuit know...not gossiping about how other people know how to not look bad on camera on camera.

Amber – 70
+20 for a date rose
+10 for kissing in a group setting
Bonus: +30 for confronting Jubilee in front of Ben, a clear tattling equivalent
+10 for accusing Olivia of having fat toes and then refusing to repeat it as if she had said something so scandalously offensive.
Important Info: I've already devoted a bit of time to Amber and all the less than happy feelings she inspired in me this week. But on a lighter note, this week, Amber justified her multiple go rounds on The Bachelor by saying that "it's funny how in a year you can grow." And it is funny. I just haven't decided if it's funnier that she believes that growth is what comes from making out with multiple men on reality TV or that she seems to have such a need for growth at her...non-22-year-old age.

Becca - 15
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for being a creeper and watching Jubilee give Ben a back rub
Important Info: Becca said she had mixed emotions when Jubilee got the date. One of those emotions was apparently feeling happy for Jubilee. We can only assume that the other was wondering if she would ever find herself similarly excited to spend time in the presence of a human man.

Caila – 10
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
Important Info: Caila had a bit of a rough week. First she felt bad for herself because there were other girls in the house. Then she felt bad for Ben when he had to spend time with Jubilee. And then she felt bad for Jubilee because the other girls were going to confront her rather than just snarking about her behind her back. She also probably spent the bulk of the week wondering why, when Our Lady of Fate emerged, from the cathode ray tubes, shimmering and telling Caila to leave her flesh and blood man, she couldn't be bothered to be considerably more specific!

Emily– 15
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for saying that "balls flying at your face is never fun."
Important Info: It saddens me deeply to think that Emily probably didn't even know she was making a Clueless reference. Clear sign of the deterioration of the young!

Haley - 20
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +15 for saying toes shouldn't be a big deal...and then following that statement up with "but..." and comments about several of Olivia's other attributes including her breath and her fake boobs.
Important Info: And really...are fake boobs be a big deal on this show? 

Jami – 20
+5 for misusing the word "literally" ("I feel like I literally just got smacked across the face")
Bonus: +15 for tattling on the other girls to Olivia
Important Info: It's possible this show broke Jami. The girl went from using cutesy phrases like "Geez Louise" and "Awko-Taco" and demonstrating her physical awakening as involving curious little bunny paws hand gestures to making a somewhat despondent joke about getting lots of cats. Let's hope she doesn't follow through. I'd hate for the songbirds and small rodents who help her get dressed to meet such an unfortunate end.

Jennifer – 5
+5 for a rose
Important Info: Don't worry, Jennifer. There's bound to be some sort of charity-related group date net week so that you and Ben can get back to talking about your shared morals.

Jo Jo – 5
+5 for a rose
Important Info: Jo Jo mostly played the disinterested listener this week, though showing up at the bathroom door and trying to convince Jubilee to let her in was a nice touch. "Hey, it's me..." Jo Jo said. "The one who has been acting like I'm listening to you while secretly thinking about how I can complain about our conversation later to some of the other girls," Jo Jo meant.

Jubilee  75
+20 for a date rose rose
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy
+10 (5 x 2)  for kissing in a one-on-one setting with a hot tub bonus
+10 for facing a fear
+15 for Ben commenting on her attractiveness (Not with actually words, but the exclamation "Ow ow!" seems to be alog the same lines)
+10 for crying twice
Important Info: Jubilee feels like Ben gets her. Which is surprising because she's just so deep! But it seems possible to me that what she sees as a special connection is just his appreciation of all the time she spent recapping that time she said "I'm not playing, white boy" and he didn't run screaming away. Ben loves a good recap. Clearly almost as much as he loves to engage in deep, penetrating dialogue about race.

Lace – 65
+50 for leaving the show
+5 for crying
+10 for referencing her connection with Ben (or lack thereof)
Important Info: I hope Lace learns to love herself. And I hope that she doesn't wind up on Bachelor in Paradise. But hell, neither could be hurt by, you know, learning the most basic rules of soccer.

Lauren B. – 100
+20 for a date rose
+15 for Ben commenting on her attractiveness
+10 (5 x 2) for kissing in a biplane on a one-on-one (which I assume is basically the same as helicopter kissing, but if someone has done both and wants to correct me on the error of my ways, please have at it!)
+10 (5 x 2) for one-on-one kissing in a hot tub
+15 for being treated to a concert by a band I have never heard of
Bonus: +15 for facing a fear that, given her profession, I just simply cannot believe she actually has
+15 for Ben sharing his personal tragedy with her
Important Info: I award Lauren B. no points for saying that she is still single because her Dad. I have a Dad too, and I'm a fan of him....but I'm not single because I haven't figured out a non-gross way to date him. No, Lauren B. No!

Lauren H. – 20
+5 for a rose
+5 for misusing the word "literally" (or possibly misusing the word "insane." It was wrong, but I suppose I can't be entirely sure of the wrongness direction)
Bonus: +10 for saying she has zero ball-handling skills 
Important Info: If I were on this season of this show, I would constantly be awarding myself 10 points for any time I had to spend with Lauren H. There is something far too Stepfordy about a woman who confidently states that "Ben wants a wife who can be friends with all the other soccer moms" for my taste.

Leah – 10
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +5 for what, I am fairly certain, was an off-screen kiss. Seems like there are a lot of those this year that are being deemed "counterproductive to the narrative."
Important Info: At this point, Leah's greatest asset may be bearing a passing resemblance to Lauren B.

Olivia – 65
+5 for a rose
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+5 for crying
+10 for revealing a personal tragedy (yes - the tragedy of cankles)
+10 for referencing her connection with Ben
Bonus: +10 for admitting on camera her plans to exploit Rachel's injury
+10 for the invention of multiple nonverbal cues
+5 for waving down to the other girls from the hotel room balcony
Important Info: Olivia said that perfect was boring, but I can't help but disagree. Because she is damn near perfect to me. And I just hope she doesn't reveal too much to Ben too soon. I'm not willing to move to Austin to appreciate her perfection.

Rachel – 15
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
Bonus: +5 for playing through the pain
Important Info: Rachel's date card strategy was apparently to hold her breath and squeeze her abs. Is...that a thing? It's like when men flex their biceps when you touch their arm except, you know, without any sort of correlated logic.

Shushanna – 0
Important Info: I'm pretty sad about this one, you guys. There's so much about Shushanna that we'll never get to know! Her attitude toward borscht, the kind of fascinating footage she taped on her dashboard cam, other things that are more about her as a person and less about a walking Russian stereotype, I guess...very, very sad.

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