Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 3, Mandi

I don't think we'll get to know Mandi all that well because, if her ex-boyfriends are to be believed (or if her self-reports of her ex-boyfriend's opinions), Mandi "Has a tendency to drink too much."

But hopefully, she'll manage to keep her slurring under wraps for at least a night or two because I think she's got big potential to make absolutely no friends. Mandi describes her best attributes as "ambitious, intelligent, and legs for days" (thereby disproving at least one of those attributes in her very answer) and twice mentions the desirability of "doing what she wants." And I desperately hope that what she wants is to interrupt one-on-one time, to tell Ben about the worst attributes of the other girls (which, I assume, in Mandi's world are things like having legs for mere minutes or some other laughable unit of time), and to skinny dip in all kinds of inappropriate locations rather than to do some wall-twerking that lands her in a limo of shame on night one.

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