Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 2, The Battle of the Ages

So for those of you who managed to miss Bachelor in Paradise this summer (and seriously, what were you doing that was so important? They had a theme song this year, you guys. A theme song!), there was a weird tension this year between the women like Tenley and Claire who were totally over the hill, and those who were, you know, normal, like Ashley I. Chris Harrison found it hilarious and commented on it at length on the after-show (oh yeah, and there was also an aftershow. For those of you who missed that, it was mostly just Jason Biggs drinking tropical coconut drinks. We all would have been better off forgoing it to read a book) because it was so ridiculous and illogical and, one imagines, alienating to the vast majority of their audience.

But in case you missed out, you're about to get another chance. Because it seems pretty clear they're about to replicate it with this year's season. Four of the 28 contestants they've brought on are older than 26. While this is probably, in part, because that's Ben's age, one has to imagine it's also partially because it's just super gross that two 30 year olds (30!) would have the audacity to think that they still deserve to find love on reality TV.

But don't worry, you guys. One of the 23 year olds is a gerontologist. So at least someone is there to help the old ladies cope.

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