Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 1, Rachel

And just in case you didn't fully believe that tossing two late-20s ladies and two (I can barely even write it without feeling nauseous) 30 year olds into the mix, will lead to polarization and probably comments in which it is implied that the vast majority of the world's single population is pathetic and sad, Rachel is here to offer proof. Because while Rachel is reportedly 23, she's also very willing to illustrate how very, very young that age can be.

Let's take a closer look:

Rachel Says: She's most afraid of "Not settling down! I want so much before I'm 30: a place that feels like home, a husband, beginning to have kids..."

She Sounds Like She's: I'll give her this one. She sounds like she's 23. One just has to hope before she reaches her (shudder) 30's someone comes along to teach her that having kids is a dichotomous state, more than it is something you can just get started on halfway.

Rachel Says: "Cute Guys" make her nervous! Also, her longest relationship ended because "The guy was more interested in his friends and being popular than he was me."

She Sounds Like She's: Charitably...maybe 15? Unless I am currently SO unpopular in the workplace and at the grocery store that I have missed out that this is even a thing.

Rachel Says: Her favorite movies include The Sound of Music and The Parent Trap.

She Sounds Like She's: 8....or 78....depending on whether the latter is the version featuring Lindsay Lohan or Hayley Mills.

Rachel Says: If she could be an animal, she would be "Cookie monster...does that count?"

She Sounds Like She's: 3. And I assume has not yet learned her animals yet,

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