Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 8, Clare


Okay, I'm legitimately pretty excited about Clare. Having seen zero promos, she's definitely my early pick to be either the villain or absolutely nutso (and if we're lucky, maybe both!). 

Now, I assume that Clare, like any savvy reality show contestant is hording her deep personal tragedies so that she can appropriately dole out really the only currency these women bring to the show (either that or she's planning to dive into them Scrooge McDuck-style once she fills her vault). But even her interview hints at more than a little bit of damage. 

Clare talks about how she's never gone on vacation because she's never been in a relationship in which she could go on one and she bemoans how she's not romantic because she's never experienced romance.  She also calls herself "successful."  Not successful. "Successful." The quotation marks are hers, not mine. 

If Clare were just bringing what I envision to be a highly critical and disapproving mother and a whole host of burly, roid-ragey exes as her baggage for the show, I'd say we'd found ourselves a new AshLee, but Clare goes further than that, making me think we've found a Michelle Money-style "nobody understands me" villain rather than a "please save me from my sad, sad life....or else" wack-job. Because when asked who she admires most, Clare answers:

"I admire the nobodies of the world that lead selfless lives."

And if you can insult the people you admire most in the world, then lady, I'd say you have potential to reap all sorts of havoc. 

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