Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 17, Women Forced to Live Up to Impossibly High Standards

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So I have to admit that I don't really know much about Juan Pablo's ex, Carla Rodriguez (although clearly I do know her name which, perhaps is already too much). It's possible that she's the most heinous individual in all the world. It's possible that when she and Juan Pablo were dating she secretly had a boyfriend back home. It's possible that her skin only looks so flawless because she drains the life force from puppies. It's possible that she's the creator of Bachelor Pad.

But even if she is the brains behind the rhythmic gymnastics competition, the ice cream sundae relay race, and that horrible Newly Wed-style game where the point is basically just to make everybody feel bad, it's hard to argue one undeniable fact. Carla Rodriguez is a pretty damn beautiful woman.

I know The Bachelor is purportedly about something deeper than beauty. It's about "connections" and "journeys," about "feeling like you're marrying your best friend" and "walking the fine line between pretty slutty but not too slutty." But really, if we're being honest, it doesn't hurt to be hot, and when it comes to being pretty, these ladies have pretty  big  petite and stylish shoes to fill.

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