Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 16, Alexis


Alexis, here is an enigma to me because of the mixed signals I'm reading in her interview. On the one hand, she's cited the Bible as her favorite book, which....look, I don't have a problem with people being religious, but the Bible's not exactly an interesting read. There's all kinds of begatings upon begatings, and, while we care deeply about that sort of thing if the un-begat first begat is a Kardashian, when you through in a bunch of Boazes and Malachis and Nebuchadnezzars it loses a little bit of its U.S. Weekly-worth charm. So when you say that the Bible's your favorite book, it's not because you really like reading the Bible. It's because you're signalling that you're religious. It's the equivalent of saying Curious George is your favorite book so that people know you like children, or saying Gravity's Rainbow is your favorite book just to make sure that everyone knows that you're a pretentious dillhole (Clearly, if you wanted to signal you were a pretentious douchebag instead, you would have to go with Finnegan's Wake). There's nothing wrong with her answer and I'm sure it's achieved her intent, it's just the work of a woman who's being a bit crafty with her answers to some very straightforward questions.

On the other hand, other parts of her bio lead me to believe that Alexis doesn't have a manipulative bone in her body and certainly doesn't think she has anything to prove. Because let's face it, no one would admit that Home Alone 2 (or indeed any Macaulay Culkin or other Yuletide hijinks-related sequel) is there favorite movie if they were looking to impress.  

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