Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 23, Andi

So, Andi is my pick for the pithily named Desiree Hartsock Memorial IYHTSIAYTIPNT* award. She's very pretty, is an assistant district attorney, and I'm sure is otherwise accomplished as a human being; however, she goes just a little bit too far in her interview to sell us on her own particular brand of awesome.  

She talks about her world travels, shares that she once convicted a man in 8 minutes (which...I have so many questions about. Did he plead guilty? Does she mean the jury deliberated for 8 minutes before reaching a verdict or was this somehow just an 8 minute trial?  And if it's the latter, doesn't that say more about our broken legal system and overworked public defenders than it does about her personal triumph?  And if it's the former, did the trial include a jazzy dance number a la Richard Gere in Chicago?), and even her bucket list is better than your bucket list because she includes on there visiting EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

All of this could probably be excused were it not for one glaring brag. She calls herself feisty. And while I don't have a problem with feisty-ness in general, much like "I just think differently than other people" or "I'm really funny," that's just a compliment that's much better left to be paid by someone else.

* If you have to say it about yourself then it's probably not true.

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