Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 24, The Mystery: The Man

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What do we really know about Juan Pablo? He's a dad. He speaks Spanish. He has unreasonable expectations about the pronunciation of his name. But outside of that, his appearance on Desiree's season gave us very little to work with in terms of expectations. We go into most seasons with, at the very least, the knowledge that we are dealing with a pretty boring specimen of manhood, but with Juan Pablo, we could literally be dealing with anything. 

 He could have a work shop devoted to intricate rube-goldbergs that he will share only with the most promising of aspirants. He could be subject to an uncomfortable fetish that we never learned about because he was never within 10 yards of Desiree...or her feet. He could have the Bieber fever. We just don't know! 

And in some ways that's sort of magical. It's why I never went looking for my Christmas presents from Santa (also probably the whole Jewish thing came into play...) because sometimes the not-knowing - the thrill of the unknown and the excitement of the potentialities - is almost better than the gift. Envisioning Juan Pablo as a QVC addict or as Gregor the Grey (his alias at the yearly Magic-con he attends), is almost certainly better than the predictable, personality-less cookie cutter bachelor we're most likely going to get. But for now, I'm filled with hope. For now, the mystery allows me to believe!

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