........And if Clare here isn't up to the task, then I'm pretty sure Lucy will be queuing up behind her, chomping at the bit to take over as this year's villain. Seriously, I don't want to get too excited here only to be letdown yet again by an annoying but really-not-that-bad Tierra or a surprisingly actually pretty reasonable James, but Lucy's interview leads me to believe that she might have Courtney-like potential.
And if Courtney was Roger Bannister, then Lucy her maybe, just may be Usain Bolt. She hasn't outrun any buses yet (or whatever the metaphorical equivalent would be...maybe stabbing someone in the face?). But in the five sentences that made up her interview, she did manage to slip in that she organized a fully nude dance party, snottily inquire as to why she would ever want to be anyone other than herself, and casually name drop that she and Kate Upton just happen to be best friends. I'm not yet willing to declare her the evilest woman in the world, but if she showed up on night one wearing gold cleats, well, I'd probably be willing to let it slide.
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