Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 13, The Mystery: The Drama

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It might not seem like the most natural theme for Christmas Eve, but in many ways, this magical night spent waiting eagerly for presents, blissfully unaware that the giant box with your name on it contains a humidifier or disappointed-scented bath beads is parallel to where we are right now in relation to The Bachelor drama. Because right now, the formulaic, predictable-ness that Chris Harrison will inevitably refer to as "The Most Dramatic Season Ever," still has the potential to be just that. Villains could still be evil rather than just carefully edited and misunderstood. Betrayals could still involve selling state secrets to the Russians rather than refusing to say "Good morning" in the hallway. 

The_Bachelors_Ben_and_Courtney.jpg (600×343)There are two camps of Bachelor viewers: those that believe that the show is a vehicle for true love and want to watch this year's great romance unfold, and those who really just want to make fun of a group of catty girls with raccoon eyes. Believe it or not, I fall somewhere in the middle of the two camps. Yes, I always root for a truly ridiculous, if not super evil, villain, but I never want that person to actually win. And there's nothing worse to me than drama for the sake of drama (well...maybe that episode after hometown dates where there are three pretty generic dates and nobody interacts and there's entirely too much soul-searching for my liking). Which is why, at this point in the year, I am at my most hopeful that we'll get, not only someone truly villainous, but also someone who hopefully brings  own twist. Someone who not only says mean things about the other girls, but also puts rat poison in their coffee (okay, not really - but the show's pressure to escalate each year does make murderous psychopath a likely eventuality). Someone who not only isn't there to make friends, but is in fact there to make nemeses (nemesises?). Someone who is looking for that final rose, not just because it will be a boon to her modeling career, but because it is the last ingredient she needs to design a technically-advanced but massively evil machine that will rid the world of fancy coffee drinks and puppies. I'm not looking to see this girl win, but wouldn't it be nice to have a villain for once whose major crime goes beyond just being the girl who nobody likes. 

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