Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Episode 9, The Scores

Ben – 55
+30 (15 x 2) for audience boos
+10 for appearing mostly not remorseful
+5 for claiming the experience showed him ways to improve himself
Bonus: +10 for forcing Des to slip into a state of delusion by claiming that she always believed him to be insincere

Brandon – 15
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper

Bryden – 10
+5 for audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Non-Bonus Aside: I'm sort of shocked they didn't make him discuss his untimely departure at all. I mean, he was there, right?

Dan – 35
+5 for audience applause
Bonus: +20 for milking "chance" encounter with Ben's baby mama/best friend
+10 for accusing Ben of applying for custody after the if that's a terrible thing

James – 130
+30 (15 x 2) for audience boos
+60 (20 x 3) for audience looks of disbelief
+15 for refusing to apologize
+10 (5 x 2) for being featured in bloopers
Bonus: +5 for misusing the word prosecute instead of persecute...though really some of these points should probably go to Michael
+10 for blaming Desiree for his getting kicked off

Juan Pablo – 75
+20 (5 x 4) for audience applause
+10 (5 x 2) for being featured in bloopers
Bonus: +15 for likely being the next bachelor given all the never-before-seen footage they showed of him talking about his daughter
+20 for apparently making Zak W. fall in love with him
+10 for Chris Harrison weirdly implying that his daughter needs a mom...pretty sure she has a mom, Chris

Kasey – 65
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause 
+20 for audience looks of disbelief
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Bonus: +10 for repeated use of the phrase "wholesome and pure." If Kasey had done better, he would have been so saddened by the Fantasy Suite episode.
+10 for blaming Brian for his lack of connection with Des when he clearly should have blamed the hashtags
+10 for attempting to play the "can I finish? I let James finish" card. It just never works.

Michael G. – 5
+5 for audience applause
Non-Bonus Applause: Can that possibly be it? No legal puns? No general whiney annoyingness? No Miami Vice themed suit?  I feel like I don't know Michael at all now.

Mikey T. – 60
+5 for audience applause
+20 for audience disbelief
+5 for appearing in a blooper
Bonus: +20 for blaming Brooks for what went down in the limo.  Thank God you're not like Brooks Mikey!
+10 for referencing his US Weekly cover

Zak W. – 60
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
+15 for being forced to confess his love at Chris Harrison's behest
Bonus: +5 for writing a poem
+20 for writing another song
+10 for recognizing he comes on too strong. That's half the battle Zak!

Men Tell All Finale Rules:
Crying +10
Earning audience applause +5
Earning audience boos +15
Earning stock footage of concerned audience whispers of disbelief +20
Being described by Chris Harrison as a superlative +10
Confessing feelings you may or may not have been experiencing at Chris Harrison's behest +15
Claiming you were misunderstood +5
Claiming the experience changed you +5
Blaming the editors for how you appeared +10
Making no effort to appear remorseful about your actions +15
Making any kind of pun +5
Using another contestant's words against him +10
Being featured in a blooper +5
Already being in a new relationship +20

Laura's Team (270 Total):
Zak W.
Michael G.

Maggie's Team (240 Total):
Juan Pablo
Mikey T.

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