Friday, July 19, 2013

Brooks - 20
+5 for a rose
+5 for kissing
Bonus: +5 for making me want to stab myself in the eye with the "finishing each others' sentences" schtick
+5 for having an eagle statue in their home (These points actually come from Jason....I'm not sure why he felt they were so important.  I guess, maybe....patriotism...?)

Chris – 10
+5 for kissing 
+5 for a rose

Drew – 10
+5 for kissing
+5 for a rose
Non-Bonus Aside: As I mentioned previously, Drew deserves NO previous points for saying "I love you" this week after saying "I'm in love with you" last week.  Even though Des actually noticed the distinction, it's just dumb. These aren't different things.

 Zak W. – 50
+5 for kissing
+5 for crying
+10 for giving Des a gift
+15 for confessing his love
Bonus: +5 because his gift was aggressively a ring
+10 for the family song

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