Saturday, July 6, 2013

Episode 6, The Scores

Brooks - 5
+5 for a rose
+10 for kissing on a group date

Chris – 25
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for receiving a poem (and a -10 for all of our IQs for having to listen to it)
Drew – 80
+10 (5x2) for kissing on a date but in the romantic setting of an alley (which is pretty much just like a hot tub)
+5 for crying
+15 for revealing a personal tragedy
+30 for tattling
+20 for date rose

James – 20
+5 for crying
Bonus: +5 for essentially saying "Did not"
+10 for correctly identifying hearsay

Juan Pablo – 25
+10 for referencing his connection with Des
+5 for crying
Bonus: +10 for choreographing some amazing goal celebrations

Kasey – 45
+30 for tattling (even though it was totally unnecessary by the time he got in the game)
Bonus: +5 for essentially saying "Did too"
+10 for using the word "counter-accusate"

Michael G. – 5
+5 for a rose


Zak W. – 40
+5 for date kissing
+20 for a date rose
+15 for intentional near-nudity

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