Saturday, February 21, 2015

Week 7 ,The Scores

Becca – 30
+10 (5 x 2) for two roses
+10 (5 x 2) for kissing in two one-on-one settings
+10 for confessing she's never been in love 
Important Info: So, obviously, I don't know the history between Becca and her family, but her sister completely threw her under the bus! What I had been assuming was a faith-based decision, Becca's sister attributed to Becca "not being an intimate person" and her "not feeling the urge." I imagine I would be pissed if I was Becca... although perhaps not. Perhaps I would just be the emotionless robot woman that Becca's sister implied she was.

Britt - 80
+10 for kissing on a group date
+5 for misusing the word literally
+25 for pseudo-being kicked off outside of game play
+10 (5 x 2) for SO MUCH crying
+15 for threatening to leave but not following through
Bonus: +15 for her post-rose meltdown
Important Info: So, I don't know why I feel compelled to keep defending Britt. I don't think she was "there for the right reasons," or that she really ever saw herself living in Arlington, Iowa and I do think there she did a certain amount of scheming and game playing to figure out how to best leave the game on her own terms. That being said, I also think that she's been put in a lot of terrible situations. Her missing internal monologue after Kaitlyn earned the date rose was certainly self-centered and petty, but it also wasn't totally unreasonable given how vulnerable she allegedly felt. The line that really bought her some sympathy from me was when Chris said, "Carly reacted in the way I would want my wife to react." It just highlighted the messed up power dynamic to a pretty extreme extent. Though I'm sure Chris didn't mean it this way, it was tantamount to saying "When I do something hurtful, I expect my wife to smile politely and take it," and that's just not okay. It obviously wasn't Britt's most shining hour but it also wasn't Chris'. I suppose we can at least all take comfort in the fact that the point at which she cried the hardest was when reflecting on Carly's betrayal...because I'm pretty sure that was the point at which she realized she wasn't going to be the next Bachelorette.

Carly – 60
+5 for crying
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+30 for tattling on Britt
Bonus: +5 for the pettiest puppet show ever
+10 for receiving a special message from Jesus - a special message that she apparently misinterpreted as "spend all your time talking about Britt."
Important Info: You know how you know that you've lost sight of things? When you say, "Chris seeing Britt's true colors means more to me than any rose." Was Carly's exist interview the saddest speech in all the land? Absolutely (although it makes me want to learn more about her romantic history because now I'm imagine some middle-aged cruiser smashes her heart into a million pieces on every Caribbean circuit). does seem like she kind of brought it on herself...

Jade – 70
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
+15 for Chris commenting on Jade's attractiveness (by super charmingly calling her a "hot mustang"...twice...
+10 (5 x 2) for kissing on two one-on-ones
+15 for revealing her Playboy pass
+20 for intentional nudity
Important Info: Oh man was Jade's hometown awkward. Almost as awkward as having your dad find out about your nude photos from a co-worker (it's seriously very hard for me to stop thinking about how this conversation came about. Was it one of his buddies creepily mocking him? Or was it treated with delicate concern? Did HR call him down?). I wasn't overwhelmingly thrilled with Chris this week (though it's hard for me to be thrilled with any man for five straight hours...not counting my husband I suppose), but I actually do believe that the choice he made to get rid of Jade was more about realizing her didn't really know her than about her "troubled past." 

Kaitlyn– 75
+5 for a rose
+20 for a date rose
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+15 for Chris commenting on her attractiveness
+10 for giving Chris a billboard
Bonus: +10 for implying that Arlington rides people out of town on a rail if they don't "pop out babies."
Important Info: Despite her brassiness, Kaitlyn really has managed to stay out of the drama admirably this season - maybe even better than Whitney. Provided we all can find it our hearts to forgive her for subjecting us to Chris' freestyle rap, it's possible there really is a shot that she could be the next Bachelorette.

Megan – 30
+5 for crying
+25 pseudo-leaving on her own and pseudo-being kicked off outside of game play. (Clearly a new rule is needed for pre-rose ceremony departures that aren't motivated by a secret boyfriend back home) 
Important Info: It saddens me immeasurably that being on the Bachelor made Megan feel "prouder of herself" than she had felt in a long while. But not so much so that I won't be thrilled to see her more ashamed of herself than she's felt in a long time this summer on Bachelor in Paradise.

Whitney – 75
+10 (5 x 2) for two roses
+5 for crying
+10 (5 x 2) for kissing on two one-on-ones
+15 for revealing a personal tragedy
+15 for confessing her love for Chris
+5 for pulling a prank
+15 for Chris commenting on her attractiveness.
Important Info: Whitney's concern about her sisters perfectly reasonable refusal to give her blessing was the direct aftermath of Chris' dismissal of Britt. It's all about the power, and these women are feeling like "slipping up" could send them home which is obviously not a great foundation for a relationship. It did, however, give us a chance to appreciate that Whitney is a really pretty crier. It was interesting that they showed him asking for Whitney's sister's permission, but didn't show us that with anyone else's family. It's possible (albeit unlikely) that her's was the only blessing that he asked. More likely, however, ABC senses the facade is cracking and is trying to prevent us from remembering how very messed up this all is. 

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