Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 6, The Scores

Ashley I.
Kardashley - 130
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
+15 for having Chris comment on her attractiveness (technically shared with Kelsey, but I'm too lazy to deal with a .5 for the rest of the season!)
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+30 for tattling on Kelsey
+50 for being abandoned in the middle of the Badlands
Bonus: +5 for referencing her Master's degree from a 'good school.' I believe her and support her for being proud of it, but...I wish it ranked a little bit higher on her list of things she took pride in.
+10 for talking about how sexy she is. Everybody together now, "If you have to say it about yourself...."
Important Info: So...I know I've been pretty harsh on Kardashley, and I don't particular wish to end that now because she is pretty terrible. That being said, I did feel a little bad for her this week. Even with Chris trying to tell her that it was all about their incompatible lifestyles, Kardashley didn't seize on that excuse to rationalize her rejection away. Kardashley clearly realized that she was the worst version of herself with Chris, and Chris unsurprisingly didn't like what he saw. No one's saying Chris' feelings toward Kardashley weren't more than justified, but that doesn't change the fact that it must have really been pretty miserable for Kardashley.

Becca – 55
+5 for a rose
+20 for a date rose
+15 for Chris commenting on her attractiveness
+10 for referencing her connection with Chris
+5 for kissing in a one-on-one setting
Important Info: I have the vague sense that this was a pretty real surprisingly enjoyable date to watch, but the details have been forced out of my brain space by of surfeit of insanity and the impending sense of dread brought about by this multi-episode week.

Britt - 65
+20 for a date rose
+20 (10 x 2) for group kissing with a bonus for literally doing it in front of people who she had to know could see what was going on
+15 for having Chris comment on her attractiveness
+10 for being treated to a concert
Important Info: You know what was messed up? When Chris disappeared with Britt for an hour, took her to a concert where the other girls 100% could have also come, awarded her a rose, and then pretty much just dropped her off to deal with it on her own. I know people have mixed feelings about Britt, but considered Chris keeps trying to feed her to the wolves, I minimally think she's doing pretty okay with handling the other girls. 

Carly – 25
+5 for crying
+10 for plugging her singing career (albeit, largely by being awesome)
Bonus: +5 for inappropriate use of the term "black widow" in reference to least I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't know what it meant
+5 for her champagne celebration of Kelsey's departure
Important Info: So, Carly wasn't the only one to do this, but as creepy, weird and conniving as Kelsey was, I was not super impressed with the girls who were bemoaning how unfair it was that Kelsey used her dead husband to get to stay. I'm not saying that's not an accurate representation of what went down, but in the grand scheme of things, using your dead husband to prolong your longevity on a reality show is just ever so slightly less unfair than having a dead husband.

Jade – 15
+5 for a rose
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
Important Info: I'm dreading the slut-shaming ahead. I hope that Rich (or was it that how that works? Those are their names?) comes back for a subsequent episode to frolic in the streets with Jade because I imagine she will soon be in need of some additional cheering up.

Kaitlyn – 30
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
+10 for threatening physical violence against Kelsey...hilariously, as is her way
+10 for confessing to being in love for Chris and Carly. Seriously, it just doesn't get better than Kaitlyn.
Important Info: Though does that maybe mean she's not really all that into Chris? For her sake, I really hope so!
Kelsey – 105
+5 for a rose
+15 for Chris commenting on her attractiveness
+10 for referencing her connection with Chris
+5 for crying
+10 for complaining about not getting a one-on-one
+50 for being abandoned in the middle of the Badlands (with Kardashley awkward what that must have been)
Bonus: +10 for confroning Kardashley with..."I know what you did." How terrified would you be if you were in Kardashley's shoes?
Important Info: It's interesting that Kelsey's earnest-ness seems to be her creepiest feature. I wonder if that's because we collectively sense that it's fake or because she's just crossed some sort of line of how tragedy is meant to be processed on this show? In any case, she makes me exhausted.

Mackenzie – 5
+5 for crying
Important Info: Mackenzie left the show by saying she won't ever get over this rejection. I think it's more likely that she'll never get over the stupidity of saying that on her way out on a reality show. But I suppose that's a form of hope, right?

Megan – 5
+5 for a rose 
Important Info: They seem to keep really wanting to reinforce the not so subtle message that Megan is not that bright. And, given that it's a reality show, it seems unlikely that we're dealing with unreasonably high standards, but...I don't know. For some reason, it seems mean-spirited that they keep repeatedly making this a thing.

Samantha – 0
Important Info: 
I'm not used to ABC playing the role of tragedy tease! How could they have left Sam's sad story untold (Fear not. I at least, minimally, will never leave it un-alliterated). That being said, I'm not sure I'm necessarily sad about this new state of affairs...
Whitney – 5
+5 for crying
Important Info: Whitney's maturity continues to impress and really seems to dictate the way the house works. Everyone in the house has a problem with Kelsey? So Whitney has a calm conversation about the issues that they see. It would be great for the gross power dynamic that governs this show if she also found a way to bring up her issues with Britt and Chris. Granted it would be incredibly surprising given that everyone is forced to live in fear of being sent home, but it'd be really nice to see that Whitney's relationships with men are the same as her relationships with other girls.

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